Unsafe Space

The simple reality of all sci-fi premises:

Space is unsafe.

In absolute contrast to the ‘safe space’ s created by people in their movement, traditions as well as architecture, and now, more recently, their minds and word-bound communes, it is no playpen for the feeble.

Space. The ultimate Wilderness. Where alien civilisations rule and roam in technologies beyond our ken, traversing time, space, and dimensions beyond our vision. Mysterious, vast, and dangerous. If there is nothing at all, then it is sheer nothingness that would kill a human hero. The very vacuum, the very lack of gravity operating in our favour, are deadly in themselves..

..but the landscapes are hard to beat.

At a realistic best, our corporate greed would leak expeditions out to grab more resources till we attract unnecessary attention, if there is anything out there that would grace us with an unwelcome visit.

If there any civilisations out there, they are probably writing about this paradise of a planet that is, in its ordering of life, a nightmarish survival pit in which even molecules fight for existence..

-but the landscapes are hard to beat.


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