Unsafe Space

The simple reality of all sci-fi premises:

Space is unsafe.

In absolute contrast to the ‘safe space’ s created by people in their movement, traditions as well as architecture, and now, more recently, their minds and word-bound communes, it is no playpen for the feeble.

Space. The ultimate Wilderness. Where alien civilisations rule and roam in technologies beyond our ken, traversing time, space, and dimensions beyond our vision. Mysterious, vast, and dangerous. If there is nothing at all, then it is sheer nothingness that would kill a human hero. The very vacuum, the very lack of gravity operating in our favour, are deadly in themselves..

..but the landscapes are hard to beat.

At a realistic best, our corporate greed would leak expeditions out to grab more resources till we attract unnecessary attention, if there is anything out there that would grace us with an unwelcome visit.

If there any civilisations out there, they are probably writing about this paradise of a planet that is, in its ordering of life, a nightmarish survival pit in which even molecules fight for existence..

-but the landscapes are hard to beat.

The Moment I Hear ‘Safe Space’ I hear ‘Cage of Beasts’

Blaming others, attacking others for carrying or showing our own stigmas must STOP.

I did it only once: he was geeky, dorky, and annoyed the heck out of me, that classmate. I was horribly nasty to him, he repulsed me so. Then he asked me why I was so unkind to him.

I was also irritated by my irritation of him. This was not my usual self.


I felt in danger of being ‘exposed’ to whatever mistreatment I had received in the past for the very same lack of confidence he was showing, perhaps for the very same cascading of the same causes in those who bullied me before.
He was a mirror to me. One that I could not face. So, the mind activated its fight-or-flight response and, in a manner of escaping, attacked him.
Poor boy.

I picked myself up one day, about two weeks down that line, and talked to him one-to-one. I told him exactly what he made me feel, and what a villain, how bad I was for taking it out on him. I apologised.
He forgave me, good soul.
We became friends. His confidence grew, after that. He was shining among us, now.

I learnt this lesson at 17.
I had no teachers, no parents, nobody’s help but my very own conscience and logic hitting me very hard.

So, when people throw me out for reminding them of the scars they want to forget, I now realise that they are being EVIL. For, since that incident, NEVER ONCE IN MY LIFE HAVE I EVER SPAT ON A SOUL FOR CARRYING MY SCARS.

Going behind my back and complaining about it, using officer privileges to push me around in front of the group and in private, well, honey, if this ain’t bullying and being evil, I don’t know WHAT is.

That is why, I find the term ‘Safe Space’ to be allergenic.

‘Safe Space’ equals ‘Cage of Beasts’ [Waiting to Be Unleashed].

It is nothing short of locking oneself up with mad villains pretending to be fluffy and nice.

The gritty bastards I have been running with all this time never looked so good.
The difference between courtesy and goodness never was so clear.

Cute game full of cute people? Run. You’d be safer undocking in low-sec in EVE Online, only to be blasted out of existence. Safer in Star Citizen, careering as a pirate. Safer in Red Dead Redemption, with a gun pointed at your head.

Loud men with loud guns are much safer than cute girls with soft voices. At least I can shoot back, even if I miss.

‘Versation In The ‘Verse

Interesting that a game world designed for ruthless battle is given a name shortening that has nothing to do with verses nor poetry.

This place, I have yet to see the whole of.

The introductory music, heroic, adventurous, dark, energising.

However, going to the forums while awaiting an update, I saw that there are flaws:

Ships get hit by missiles from the opening of a hangar. Though physically it ought to be possible, and is an excellent strategy of keeping one’s targets weak, it goes against the gamer expectation of immunity to certain inconvenient realities, based on the long-established understanding of, ‘The game world is not real, right?’.

Another is the ambushing of ships just outside the armistice zones of certain stations, as far as I have gathered. Now, once outside the safety zone, one must know how to move, and move fast, else not leave that space unless and until they have had enough practice. And plot paths irregularly.

EVE Online lessons: You undock to either kill or die. Or, run. Fast.
Also a scary EVE lesson: The chatbox is your hitlist, literally. And you are on it.
Not a social tool.

Whatever it is, one needs to be built for it. And that does not come wrapped with a ribbon.

I say all this easily here, but the strain that will come from earning it is another story.


there was when they removed the armistice zone on the stations supposed to be a npc security response

not sure what happened to that

if you can blow your way past station or planetary defenses be my guest

im sure s10 gun emplacements will discourage one from shooting at hanger doors

in all honesty i expect security forces in ground locations and fixed defenses inside landing zones be they security point defense turrets or drones patrolling with security forces

yeah but I’m sure there was supposed to be UEE ships turning up in increasing power

ty !!


thats why i don’t get the reporting people for them creating gameplay

it’s not gameplay if it literally prevents playing

impossible to keep me from leaving anywhere

i have never been trapped in a station

spawn take off and run even if they get you they can’t catch everyone else who is there too

I’ll be amused the first time you are

been here since 2013

but I’ll still try to make sure you can

people who complain are exaggerating from one bad time

people are littlerally having their ships destroyed before they can enter them, that does not seem like an exageration

like he’s saying seraphim station …. impossible to leave

from the 12 hangers and 8 pads and 3 docking bridges…. just cannot leave … you have someone targetting 20 targets

from outside a armistice zone


that’s a scenario that either A) shouldn’t be possible, or B) should be prevented by ingame systems…. since neither is true, and the people doing it know that…. yeah that’s griefing

it doesn’t take long to flood the system with wrecks and force spawning locations for ships

if they are able to shoot ships inside unopened hangars that is a bug

and you can report players that you believe are doing the wrong thing via a support ticket

ultimately it’s just evidence that the current systems are failing… which is useful in a way, but not very helpful to the people trying to play now

and counter productive if a person thinks that is “just gameplay” as it generally removes the interest of the new players in continuing, which ultimately means less players in the long run

I’m very sad about the FS-9 only having a 75 round mag, praying CIG gives us a real LMG and GPMG in the future

yeap lots of pad sniping going on

what pad sniping you guys are high

and getting ship to ship rammed, you don’t even have to be in a pad/hangar

There does seem to be quite a few cringelords on tonight.

Wow, and I thought EVE was bad.

they have responsive police, a joke but still they show up

New here. From the above, I learn: This place is broken, there is no safe haven. Safest place is in open space. As a killer, oneself, or as a runner, depending on how well one gears and trains after umpteen deaths.

It should be an automatic death of the killer within X distance of an armistice zone, with zero credit to their name, zero ability to interact with anything, including ship controls, for the next 24 hours. Sitting duck for other griefers to have fun with. Repeat offenders get an account ban, more money for the devs. Win win.

Those with an acount ban will go buy more accounts. Bling.

Oh and are able to retrieve their ships for their undiscounted price in real money.



There is no safe haven.. It’s intended to be like that. CIG does not regulate PVP with the exception of exploiters.

As for those getting their ships blasted while in an open hangar, they should have all their digital property back. One time chance only.

I understand. There should be a minimum room for escape. You undock, you die. EVE lesson.

But hunting should also be an art. Sitting at stations is just plain lazy.

Low quality content by low quality players.